About Us
Q: You’re all about “Big Firm Experience, Small Firm Attention” — but what does that really mean to me, the client?
Q: One of the three tenets of your practice is ACCESSIBILITY, what’s that all about?
CHRIS: My favorite is the accessibility, because a lot of stress is created in legal matters by the client not knowing, not being able to reach their lawyer to get the explanation, their question answered, to put them at ease.
BILL: Sometimes in many firms, lawyers can be difficult to get a hold of, they’re not the quickest about returning calls, it can take a while for people to respond. But we don’t do that. We understand, that as a smaller firm, we can take the time to invest in relationships with our clients.
CHRIS: Right. One time my phone rang, and I said, “Hello.” And the caller asked, “I actually have Attorney Chris Finley? I’ve been using law firms for 40 years and I’ve never called a lawyer whose picked up his own phone. I’m going to hire you just for that!”
Q: But QUALITY is paramount, too.
BILL: You are not going to be short-changed by going to a small law firm, the quality of our services is at least on par with some of the biggest national firms, if not better.
CHRIS: We have a combined 35 years of experience that will work for the benefit of the client.
Q: So, your final tenet is EFFICIENCY. What does that get me?
BILL: We will do what we need to do for you in a time-efficient manner and in an economically efficient manner. We’re not going to over bill you.
CHRIS: If we are efficient and we can give you the right answer at a reasonable rate — I don’t know how you can do much better than that, honestly.
Q: Finally, you’re finding the culture of FINLEY STETSON is the secret to your success?
BILL: Right, It’s not one of these high stress places. A lot of times when you talk to lawyers, it’s not fun, they’re not pleasant people. I think we can do our job and do it well while building a very positive relationship.
CHRIS: We’re not stuffy. We’re not a will mill. We believe in developing relationships. We’re not interested in doing just one deal for you and moving on. Most of my clients do become friends.
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How Can We Help Today?
The Law Office of Finley Stetson is standing by to take your call. Our team is dedicated to providing you quality legal services with a personalized approach. We look forward to assisting you.